Saturday, February 04, 2012

5 Little Things (Day 1)

Okay, I know that last January 31 I said that I would try doing a 30-day challenge and I was supposed to start the next day, but then I didn't have time to do it. I haven't had the time to update my blog for 3 days actually. So tonight, I'm gonna post those 3 blogs which I wasn't able to do + my blog for today. Bear with me please hehe ☺

Day 1 - Five ways to win your heart

Wow, what an interesting start to this 30 day challenge hahaha ☺ There are a lot of things that I find appealing or definite turn-ons but the 5 things I'm gonna list now (in no particular order regarding importance) are those traits/characteristics which popped into my head first. I guess that just means that these traits/characteristics are some of those which I value the most.

Having the ability to make me laugh. 
     ✈ This is definitely important to me because I'm someone who always enjoys a good laugh. I always appreciate it when someone makes the effort to cheer me up or make me happy. It actually doesn't take that much to achieve that because I'm someone who thinks that it's the little things that matter ☺ Just knowing that I could have someone who would never fail to make me smile at the end of the day or make me laugh till my sides hurt - that's something I would really treasure.


Being able to carry a good conversation.
     ✈ This. Honestly, I can't stand it when I talk to someone and we end up talking about nothing really. I really hate having conversations which are just made up of overused fillers like "What are you doing?" or "Are you hungry?" or "Are you sleepy?" and you get the gist.. 

I enjoy having conversations with substance. It doesn't mean that we have to talk about serious things all the time. What I mean is that those conversations that we have should be those which help us just learn about each other more and more. It should be a conversation that has direction and it doesn't die out and end up in an awkward silence. I mean, I don't really care what the topic is about. What I care about is if I feel (after having that particular conversation) that I've learned more about this person I'm talking to. That's what a good conversation is for me. 


Being someone who has a love for food. 
     ✈ I know, it sounds pretty vague. I mean, who doesn't love food? I'm sure almost everyone does. (Those who don't, all I have to say is.. WHY?) Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm someone who would be willing to spend one whole day just trying out different kinds of food. I'm super adventurous when it comes to it. I don't know, food just interests me so much. This is gonna make me sound like such a fatty but, if you suddenly want to surprise me and you want to be sure that it'll make me happy, then I gotta tell you that food is the way to go. Really. Oh and if you know how to cook, that would such a big bonus. Hahaha ☺


Being someone who loves being around his family and who has a good relationship with them.
     ✈ What can I say? Family is very important to me. I can't imagine being with someone who isn't family-oriented or who doesn't like being with his family. I'm very close to mine and the way I was brought up is definitely the way I would want to bring up my own kids. Truth be told, I believe in the idea of falling in love and being with someone because you know that that's someone you want to marry someday. You don't fall in love and think that "Okay, one day we're going to break up". I mean, what's the point of that? You fall in love but you know that you don't want to marry the person? Then that's not love but just infatuation. The reason I brought this up is that I hope that the next person I fall in love with is someone I would want to marry someday, at the right time. And that person should value family because I would want to be able to raise a family with someone who values it as much as I do. Another thing is I value my family's say when it comes to different matters concerning my life. I trust their judgment because I know that everything they do is for my own good and happiness. Knowing that the person I'm with also feels the same about his family is something that would make me feel safe. It's that thought that would also make me feel like I made the right choice.


Having a good relationship with God.
     ✈ Lastly, I want to be with someone who loves God as much or even more than I do. I want to be with someone who can make me a better person each day and I believe that that can only happen if you have a good relationship with God. My parents raised me to put God above everything else and though I struggle a lot with that (even more so now; I'm really trying to be better though), I want to be with someone who helps me strengthen my faith in Him. At the end of the day, God always does what's best for us. I want to be able to give back to Him and thank Him for all that. To do that, I need someone who knows how important that is.


So there, those are 5 ways to win my heart (ugh that sounds so cheesy & corny .___. but yeah, that was the challenge for day 1 hahaha)☺ 
I hope that even though my blog was kinda chatty, it still made sense ☺

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